Got a question? Get in touch.

First… If you’re looking for my newsletter, please sign up on the newsletter page instead. This is not a newsletter sign up. It’s an email form.

Second, please pick from the drop down list to what your question most closely relates. I organize emails this way to make sure my assistant and I can make sense of things, and things that actually need a reply get one. If I can’t figure out where it goes in the workflow, it doesn’t go in there. Thank you for helping me keep my email under control.

have a business question? get in touch.

Due to spam bots, I cannot post my email on this page. So, please use this form for any business-related emails, and allow a day or two for a response. Any emails outside of business subject matter will not receive a response. Please use the form above for non-business-related contact.

If you’re looking for my newsletter, please sign up on the newsletter page instead.